Lucy gets a tiny treat

Little Lu and I took a trip to Ikea to get her a new highchair! But first we needed to give one a test run over a cup of tea…(not pictured)


During tea time Lucy presented her case for really deserving the tiny bear she picked out….And for $2, I really couldn’t say no.


Presented with the bear once we got home. What a treat!!


She (we) have named it Meatloaf. And she loves it with all her heart.




(Because a tiny lady sometimes deserves a tiny treat)

Party Party!

It’s not everyday that Lu and I get our photo snapped together, so I thought this pic (from a Baby Shower we were at this past weekend) should get some blog time! Thanks Josh for the shot!


(Despite her dazed look…Lucy really does love a good party.) 🙂

Toys toys toys

Lucy loves independent playtime (which works out well for this work-from-home-mama!) Her current favorite activity is rummaging through this big basket next to my desk for hours and hours…


I know it’s just a matter of time before she discovers the electrical outlets 2 feet away. My wishful thinking is that she’ll just never notice it’s there…